Parental Notices
We know that it can be difficult to keep track of all the forms, notices, and paperwork that comes home. To help, we've put all of the parent notices together in one place for you.
- AHERA Annual Notice
- Child Find Policy
- ELL Parental Request Withdrawal
- ELL Parental Waiver
- ELL Procedures
- ELL Home Language Survey PHLOTE
- Homeless Education Policy
- Gifted Policy
- Harassment Policy
- MOWR Parent Letter
- Parent Involvement Policy
- Parents Right to Know
- Parent Student Compact
- MCS Title One Plan
- School Integrated Action Plan
- See How We are Doing: A Five Year Performance Comparison Report
- Spring 2024 Parent Survey Results
- Title 1 Parent Information
Covid-19 Updates
- Safe to Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan (ARP Act)
- Parent-Friendly Summary of Our Distance Learning Plan
- Attendance Accommodations Due to COVID-19
- On-Site Learning Plan
- Masada’s Plan for Prevention of COVID-19 Spread
- Masada’s Face Covering Policy
- Masada’s Distance Learning Plan
Notice to Parents of Destruction of Records
Special education records of students whose special education enrollment ended four years before this year are no longer needed by Masada School for the purpose of providing educational services to those students. The records will be destroyed after September 30 of this year. If parents would prefer to keep the special education records ending 4 years ago please contact the special education teacher who is coordinating special education services, including speech therapy, for your student (Ms Jessikah, Ms Lisa, or Ms Kiersten) at (928) 875-2525, and arrange to pick up the records before the destruction date.