Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a charter school?
- What health services are provided to students?
- What if my child needs to take medication during school hours?
- What about playground, bicycle, scooters and other safety rules?
- Is transportation provided for students?
- Is my child responsible for any supplies at Masada?
- What should I expect in the way of assigned homework?
- What are lunchtime procedures?
- What if I need to pick my child up from school early?
- Are visitors allowed on campus?
- What are the discipline policies at Masada?
- What are the parent volunteer opportunities?
What is a charter school?
It is a public school that is founded and operated by individuals with the purpose of providing parents with educational choices and improving student achievement. For a full description of what is involved with charter school management, please view our charter school enrollment fact sheet.
What health services are provided to students?
Masada will work with the local health clinic to provide special or emergency health services. The school secretary provides basic health services for students. We ask that parents notify her if a child has a health problem. She will address illnesses and accidents that occur at school. Because we desire to prevent the spread of illness at Masada, children who are seriously ill should not stay at school. Should a child become ill during the day, a parent is responsible to pick the child up. Any student with a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher may not attend school. Children may return to school when they have been fever free for twenty-four hours.
What if my child needs to take medication during school hours?
Our school secretaries will administer over-the-counter and prescription medication in accordance with the Arizona State Pharmacy Guidelines, which follow: There must be a written order from the physician stating the name of the medication, the dosage, the time, and the reason it is to be administered. There must also be written permission from the parent for the medication to be administered at school. The medication must be in the original prescription container labeled by the pharmacist, or in the original container with all the labels and warnings intact. Only medications to treat an existing ailment are stored at school. When a physician feels it is necessary for the student to carry and self-administer his/her own inhaler, the physician will provide written recommendations to be attached to the signed parent permission note. The parent must provide written permission for the student to self-administer and carry the inhaler. The school reserves the right to circumscribe or disallow the self-administration of medication on school premises. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) will be dispensed to students who have written permission from a parent to receive medication at school as needed for a maximum of three consecutive days. Non-prescription medications, including Tylenol, will not be dispensed to students during the first and last hours of the school day. Aspirin will not be given at school unless prescribed by a physician.
What about playground, bicycle, scooters and other safety rules?
Please instruct your children to go home directly after school hours so as to avoid any construction going on. Students may bring bicycles or scooters to school, but they must be parked during the school day in the bike racks. Masada will arrange special days for students to bring roller blades. Students must have helmets and kneepads in order to participate in the roller blade and bicycle activities. The safety of students is a priority for us. Children must have adult supervision to play on Masada's playground after school hours and on weekends.
Is transportation provided for students?
Because of the limited funds made available to Charter Schools for transportation, parents are responsible to transport their child to and from school. Masada will provide transportation for extended learning trips.
Is my child responsible for any supplies at Masada?
Masada provides many consumable supplies for students; however, teachers may periodically ask that students be responsible for bringing special items to enhance the learning process. Students should keep valuables and toys at home. Because the school is not responsible for lost items, parents may desire to clearly mark the belongings of all children. Misplaced clothing or other items will be taken to the school office and placed in a "lost and found." Students must leave beepers and cell phones at home. We do not allow weapons such as pocketknives and sharp objects at Masada. If a child brings these objects to school, we will confiscate them.
What should I expect in the way of assigned homework?
We do not view homework as an activity which is separate from other activities in the classroom. Rather than assigning homework for the sake of having homework, teachers will be asking students to become involved in projects that will require varying levels of time and energy. Time will be provided each day to address these projects; however, students are required to complete these projects by the specified due date. Therefore, as in real life, the student's ability to manage time and produce a quality product by a deadline will be reflected in the amount of time spent working at home. At Masada, we believe homework is an opportunity for students to engage in independent practice. Homework is assigned, expected to be completed, and handed-in. We view homework as an opportunity for parents to engage in student achievement and success. Parents can expect to see regular homework assignments in math and reading.
What are lunchtime procedures?
Because we do not provide school lunch, Masada teachers are free to leave the school grounds during lunch. This leaves the playground unsupervised, which is a safety issue for children returning early. Therefore, students are restricted from the playground at lunch-time. However, it is our desire to assist parents in any special circumstances. If the circumstance arises where a child needs to bring a sack lunch, please call the office so we can work out an arrangement for the child to be supervised during lunch.
What if I need to pick my child up from school early?
Parents picking up students early from school are required to report to the front desk and sign their student out.
Are visitors allowed on campus?
It is the policy of Masada to provide a safe environment for students. In keeping with this policy, Masada requests that all visitors stop and sign in at the main office before proceeding to a child's classroom.
What are the discipline policies at Masada?
To review the various discipline policies at Masada, view the Parent/Student Handbook (pages 24-26).
What are the parent volunteer opportunities?
- Monitoring attendance.
- Making sure that homework is completed.
- Volunteering in my child's classroom and at PRISM events.
- Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children's education.
- Staying informed about my child's education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.
- Serving, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups, such as being on the PRISM Committee, the Strategic Planning Committee, or other school advisory or policy groups.