Open & Re-enrollment
Enrollment at Masada Charter School is open on a first-come basis, during the specified enrollment time, to all students who reside in the state of Arizona, without regard to ethnicity, national origin, gender, income level, disabling condition, proficiency in the English language, or athletic ability.
If enrollment exceeds the charter capacity during the specified enrollment time, we will hold a lottery to determine student enrollment. We place students who are not selected during the lottery on a waiting list for each grade level. If enrollment does not exceed charter capacity during the specified enrollment period, we will automatically enroll all applicants.
Masada will make every effort to first enroll students of teachers currently employed in the school, and second, students on the waiting list who already have siblings enrolled in the school. As enrollment positions open up, we will hold a lottery from the names on the waiting list.Parents who wish to enroll their children for future school years are welcome to stop in at the school office.
We care about the health of our students. Due to a rise in the occurrence of contagious diseases, we strongly encourage parents to keep their children's immunizations up to date to prevent the contraction and spread of communicable disease. Parents who do not wish to immunize their children due to religious, health, or other reasons must complete a waiver form and obtain a signature from a health practitioner. In the event of a disease breakout, we will not permit unimmunized children to attend school.